Our Big Question this semester: How does freedom happen?
Joshua F: Imagining how freedom happened in the Exodus story from the point of view of an Israelite child / click here to view the slideshow
Holly: Fair Trade Chocolate / click here to read the essay
Alison & Madina: Imagining how freedom happened in the Exodus story from the point of view of an Egyptian child / click here to listen to the podcast
Adrian: Fair Trade food / click here to view the slideshow
Max: Pharaoh’s fictional trial / click here to view the comic book
Ruby: A poem about the Exodus / click here to read the poem
Ava: Asking people, ““In your opinion, how does freedom happen?” / click here to watch the video
Quincy: An original song about Freedom / click here to listen to the song / click here to view the lyrics
Madelyn: What Fair Trade means / click here to view the slideshow
Sydney: In the courtroom — was Pharaoh guilty or innocent? / click here to watch the video
Arthur: Pharaoh’s palace and the Burning Bush, created in Minecraft: click here to see a video of the palace, and click here to see a picture of the burning bush
Rebecca: An original song about freedom / click here to listen to the song
Alexandra: A poster about the Freedom Fund, an organization dedicated to ending human trafficking / click here to view the poster
Brody: An essay about slavery in the world today / click here to read the essay
Joshua S: A brief history of the Jewish people from Abraham, through the Exodus from Egypt, to the promised land of Israel / click here to read the history
Jacob S: Pretend you are an Israelite arguing with your neighbors: Should we leave Egypt or should we stay and try to improve the situation? / click here to view the slideshow
Daniel: Advocacy letter to Massachusetts politicians regarding human trafficking / click here to read the letter
Maya: Original recording of Bob Marley’s Exodus / click here to listen to the song