
Thank you for making a donation to Temple Kol Tikvah. You can make your donation via PayPal, or by mailing a check to the temple office. If using PayPal to make a donation, please add 2% to your donation to defray the PayPal service charge and enable 100% of your gift to go to Kol Tikvah.

Please do not use PayPal to pay temple fees.

Scan this QR Code, or click here to donate to Temple Kol Tikvah via PayPal:

Donation checks may be sent to Temple Kol Tikvah, 9 Dunbar Street / P.O. Box 468, Sharon MA 02067. Click here for our donation form to print out if your donation is in memory or in honor of someone.

Another way to help Temple Kol Tikvah every time you shop online – iGive makes it simple. There are over 1300 socially-responsible stores helping to make donations happen. Sign up:

The little temple with a big heart